Without A Trace


On October 8, 2009, The Jamison Family (Bobby, Sherilynn, and their 6 year-old daughter Madyson), piled into their pickup truck, and backed out of their driveway…family and friends never heard from them again.

As we near closer and closer to the 9th year since the family’s remains were unearthed: All the more, a cloud of suspicion ominously lingers overhead, adding no more evidence to conclude this family’s mystery once and for all: Without a “finish line” anywhere in sight, we can’t help but beg to answer the question: “Where is the ‘smoking gun’ that we desperately need to uncover, in order to FINALLY bring Bobby, Sherilynn, and Madyson Jamison the justice that is already long overdue?” Sadly, it has been 9 years since the family’s rains had been discovered. Intriguingly, the authorities are still no-closer, today with solving this crime, than they were, in 2009.

OCTOBER 8, 2009:

Bobby, Sherilynn, and their 6 year-old daughter (Madyson), took a drive with Madyson’s beloved dog tagging along. The family travelled 30 miles away from their home in Eufaula, Oklahoma, and ended up stopping in Red Oak, Oklahoma. The series of events, that later transpired, are just as unexplainable as “Area 54.”


Three days after the family went missing, their truck was found. Inside, the police recovered: $32,000 in cash, Bobby & Sherilynn’s cell phones, two wallets, and Madyson’s dog – which was on the brink of dying from dehydration. According to members of the family, it wasn’t unsual for the Jamison’s to have a large amount of cash on them; However, it was also reported, that thousands more dollars should have been discovered. Even though it was normal for Bobby and Sherilynn to carry around that much cash, why was the dog, Madyson’s most treasured possession, left abandoned?

1 pic – money

2 pic – truck


Did Bobby and Sherilynn plan on meeting a certain person(s), with acres to sell? How would they know to stop at that specific location, if there wasn’t anyone guiding them? Perhaps, they stumbled upon, “the wrong place, at the wrong time”? Maybe this case will fall on deaf ears, as it slips through the cracks, while the file collects dust on a shelf? Although, there is ONE bizarre clue, that was left behind – a picture.

1 pic – Madyson in distress?


When I first saw the picture of Madyson, I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. Some would argue that the 6 year-old is just irritable, and refuses to let one of her parents take a picture of her. I beg to differ. To me, she looks vulnerable, and scared. First of all, her hair is disheveled, and honestly, she looks like she was already crying, before the picture was even taken. Also, her outfit doesn’t seem like it fits her properly. Were the Jamison’s rushed out of the house, suddenly? Did someone else dress her? In addition to my other unanswered questions, I can’t help but wonder: ” If the cell phones were left in the truck, how were they able to obtain this photo?”


Surveillance pic 1

Surveillance pic 2

Surveillance pic 3

Is there 2 different men, or did Bobby change his shirt?

Do The Sushi Roll! (Now, Dip Baby, Dip)


Admit it: After a long day of diaper changes, scrubbing crayon off the walls, mopping bathroom floors (because your 8 year old forgot to put the seat up, AGAIN), and nipping on the cooking wine when you’re making pasta for dinner (AGAIN), you scroll through Pinterest. There, you find relatable quotes, tips on how to knit a baby bottle out of pipe cleaners and plastic. While we’re confessing, as if we’re 7th grade students in CCD class all over again, admit THIS: While we would LOVE to be that “extra mom” who goes above and beyond, to make sure the kids don’t end up being dysfunctional as us, we just can’t! We may get on our children’s asses for being lazy, but let’s face it, adults are much more lazy! Are we so zombified, we turn to screenshots for our next meal, rather than a Betty Crocker cook book? Well…hell, yes! Yes, we are! I Am the queen hoarder of screenshots. I have to delete apps, to take more pics, and I have to delete pics, to add more apps! Why did we ever want to grow up?! Rest assured, I have the healthiest, most innovative snack recipe below.

For all of those sleepless nights, ruined onesies due to projectile spitup, discarded magic erasers, lack of showers, and countless amounts of laundry and dish soap gone down the drain (literally), we also have to admit: None of it is in vain. Sure, our faces light up as bright as our Christmas trees when we get underwear and socks every year, where as, our children blow up the dancing Santa in the front yard, because they got a notepad instead of an IPAD. Never the less, it IS exciting to bond with the tiny humans we created. We don’t have to be Martha Stewart, Julia Child, or Rachael Ray, in order to create some magic in the kitchen! Here are the easy steps, to my favorite snack:

Synthetic Sushi Rolls

1) Cut 3 bananas into 3’s

2) Peel off the crust of a slice of bread, then flatten the bread. 

3) Spread peanut butter on the bread, then set the banana (one set of 3) upright, on top of the peanut buttered bread 

4) Start rolling the banana in the bread, forming it into a cylinder shape


5) Sprinkle the “roll” with cinnamon sugar (our personal favorite), sprinkles, flavored decorative sugar, or even put peanut butter on the outside and dip it in rice crispies! 

6) Enjoy! 

I hope you enjoyed my favorite snack recipe, and I hope you had fun creating a mess…I mean, MAGIC in the kitchen, with your little terrors…I mean, TYKES!

  • Jessica Wedul-Osborn

For The Parents Who Want To Give Up


Of course, I have to open this blog, with a quote from A Cinderella Story: “Don’t let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game.”

What does that quote mean to you? Well, that depends on if you’re a “glass half-empty”, or a “glass half-full” person. Oh, wait…considering this is my blog, I guess you’re all waiting for my opinion? Ok, crap. I forgot about that “rule of thumb.” Then again, what if I didn’t “chime in”? Better yet, what if I only “chime in” with the most popular response, just to be a part of “The In-Crowd”? Whatever opinion I go on a tangent about, would you believe me anyway? I mean, it IS posted on the internet, so it MUST be true.

I’ll give you a sneak peek into my most private thoughts, then YOU can decide what type of person I Am – “glass half-empty”, or “glass half-full.”

I do hope a good majority of you can relate;  I’ll tell you that much. 

In the Summer of 2016, something absolutely crazy happened, that made me feel quite CONVINCED I needed my own reality show. Considering I never had a sex tape of Ray J and me, I unfortunately, am not deemed worthy of one quite yet; instead, I’ll opt for blog-writing, and maybe my life can actually impact others in a more suitable way – hopefully a way that expands farther than North West…

I’m over the Kardashians, if you haven’t caught on by now. 

I’ll do my best to condense, because I have Real Housewives who need to bring me up to speed, on Netflix.

As I “scarf down” the only 2 pieces of chocolate I have to my name, since I started a cliché diet, for a cliché New Year’s resolution. 

Once upon a time, on a humid, breeze-so-chilly-it-made-my-nipples-hard, kind of night…oops, I forgot I wasn’t writing a screenplay for Kim Kardashian and Ray J. ANYWAY…

My husband and I went to a local Big Lots (mainly, because…let’s face it – why wouldn’t we?! Prices are amaze balls there!), and we found a black trash bag in the parking lot of the plaza. Our curiosity got the better of us, so we threw it into the back of our Ford Explorer.

I know, I know: “curiosity killed the cat.” But after all, didn’t satisfaction bring it back? 

We drove back to my mom’s apartment to pick up our 2 children, and we decided to bring in the black trash bag. Inside, we found musty, dingy, “old lady clothes.” Yes, they were so old, MY MOM even thought she was too young to wear them! All the way at the bottom, I found a satchel, and inside the satchel was gawdy-ass jewelry. Considering my 47382 year old mom was too young for the stuff, of course I’d think so too! Jim ALMOST held onto the one bracelet, but he knew a lot of other people wouldn’t understand how well it matched his eyes.

It’s ok, babe – I noticed how full it made your eyelashes look,  and of course, I noticed how it brought that glimmer of green out of your, otherwise-boring-brown iris’! 

The infamous black trash bag, opened a huge, nasty can of worms! Before we knew it, Au Diamond and Gold Buyers were calling the cops on us, claiming we sold them stolen jewelry! I was booked and processed by a “Mayberry” detective, who SWORE we “knocked off” the old man down the street!

Am I the only one singing John Fogerty to themselves right now? Phew! You had me worried for a second there – I was starting to think that I had to “jump and run again…” 

As I was crying in the processing room, my daughter was festering in her own pee, inside of their “playroom.” No, I was not allowed to take her home to change her, BEFORE I WAS PROCESSED AND BOOKED. I cried to the detective, pleading with him to not release the bullshit into the media. He assured me that the story would NOT be released, and he even mustered up some fake-ass, kind words: “Look, I never said you were a bad person. I don’t think you are a bad person;  I’m just doing my job.”

On a scale of,  Kate Middleton-Betty White, how super hot was I though?! I rocked that shit, I know. 


Almost a month after the incident, our story was released to the press. All of Cape May County saw it? Haha! No, no…try, from Cape May County-New York! Needless to say, those who know me best, know I fight hard for what I want. I earned myself a nice, full grant to a certain course, in the medical field. Guess what? They saw my face in the paper, and they pulled out of their sponsorship!

I guess not everyone thinks Kate Middleton is as hot as I think she is… 

For months, we’ve been waiting around for a grand jury’s response: whether we get indicted, or all charges get dropped. Only a select few sympathize with us. On the NJSP page, we’re labeled as “junkies”, and “bums.” On one of the article’s pages, a commentator suggest we “never reproduce.”

Too late for that, buddy! We have Kate Middleton’s and Betty White’s running rampant all over this county! 

Even though we’re being evicted by my father in law, who likes to degrade his son at 3 in the morning, for doing “scumbag things seen all over the A.C. Press”, we’re still kicking and screaming. Even though my son’s school called DYFS on us more times in a week, than I changed my underwear, it didn’t break us. Stresses may be high, but we have each other. Even though we don’t have EVERYONE in our corner, we still have those who have proven their love and devotion toward us, over and over again.

With my severe claustrophobia, it’s safest not to have EVERYONE in one corner with me anyway…

Even though life can be a climb, the view is great.

Cue Miley Cyrus…”there’s always gonna be another mountain. I’m always gonna wanna make it move…”

In all seriousness, life is one hell of a roller coaster ride. But how fun would it be without having someone sitting next to you, getting their flying drool all over your face?

Even though certain situations knock you down, that does not mean you go down without a fight. Remember the Gettysburg Address? president Lincoln had so much faith in our fellow Americans – fellow Americans even had faith in all that we stood for, in all that was sacred. Soldiers fought on a battlefield, stained in their brother’s blood, and they KNEW they might not have lived to see the next day. But you know what? They gave it their all, and some gave all they had. If they’re willing to put their own necks on the line for each other, why can’t you do the same for yourself? If you have nothing to lose, what have you really gained? Whether you have children, a child, spouse, 6 best friends, or one, you have SOMETHING worth trying for. Honestly, everyone has to go to war on a battlefield, every single day – constantly waging a war inside of their head. But, you can’t just give up!

Is that what a dinosaur would do?! 

I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason. If you don’t like it, tough! We’ve all been put on a planet, that we didn’t ask to be put on. Life really is a bittersweet symphony, but we all have one person…one person who runs to the door to greet you, in their messy “mom bun”, wrapping their shaky arms around our neck to give you a bear hug – shaky arms that are just as brittle as yours, from scrubbing dishes, the grass stains out of the soccer uniform, and picking up and putting down a clingy, teething toddler. We are all equal, and we all have someone to fight for, and not only do we fight FOR them, we fight WITH them.

THAT is why we never surrender on that battlefield. THAT is what we call HOME.